Thursday, November 13, 2008

Think Thin Thursdays -- #1

Bridgete Over at the Not So Blog Blog has started a new weekly meme challenge. It's to help us all get fit. Think Thin Thursdays starts today.

I don't necissarily have a lot of weight to lose, though I do have some, what I need to do most is tone. I haven't toned my belly since my second c-section when Izzie was born.

That being said, I have set three goals for this week. I'm starting small.

#1 I will walk 3 days a week. A half mile, a mile, whatever, just designated walking at the Park on the trail.
#2 I need to lose about 10 lbs, so I want to lose some weight this week
#3 I will do crunches or sit ups 2 nights a week.

Our task for this week is:

"Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can." ~Author Unknown

What are your reasons??

My reasons are my daughters and myself. I want to teach my children healthy lifestyles. I want them to know that if you keep up with excercise and eating right, you can keep yourself pretty fit and healthy. I also want to feel better about myself, and when I look and feel healthier, I know I will be happy.

Check out the Official rules for Think Thin Thursdays Here at Bridgette's Not so blog Blog


Bridgette said...

Great job, Kris! We can do this!

Unknown said...

Starting is the hardest part. I am doing Think Thin Thursday too.

Staci A said...

Good luck this week. Your goals sound great! I need to be more specific in mine.

Princess Hairstyles said...

Good for you!! Good luck with the challenge.

AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

Good Luck! I know you can do it. I really need to get in on Think Thin Thursdays.