Stephanie over at
Adventures in Babywearing posted pics of her carrier stash and asked fellow bloggers to do the same.
My stash is not near as impressive as most, and parts need replaced (Thanks to certain people not returning things they borrowed) But here goes.
The Pouch -- With Caity, I had a WAHM made pouch with a fabric I wanted. Of course it was ladybugs.

I loaned that pouch out to a cousin, and never got it back.
With Izzie, a friend from an online group sent me a Cortez and Co pouch. This was super handy with itty bitty Izzie, who rode in it comfortably for 5 months and then it was stolen out of our car along with other stuff

I also tried a wrap for the first time with Izzie. It was a Sashawrap, I got for really cheap. Not as awesome as other wraps, I'm sure, but it held my 5lb'r comfortably and was easy to learn to use.

My current favorite carrier -- The Beco (I have the 4th Gen). I struggled with whether or not to buy one due to the cost adn the fact I had other carriers that worked. Best decision I ever made. I love my Beco. I still use it to carry Izzie (yes at 28 weeks pregnant)

Misc. Carriers not shown (I can't find pics right now)
Mei Tei -- Another of those that was loaned out and never came back.
Solid Black Hotsling
Solarvail Ring sling
For Miss Calleigh I plan to replace the mei tei and probably get an Ergo.