Anyways -- While on the phone, she gave me some good news! Dr. Reddy had analyzed the latest results from our urodynamics test. AND There was great improvement made. Her bladder capacity has DOUBLED since we started the drugs. Her output volume has doubled as well (which means less urine to back up into the kidneys)
This is awesome news! Of course She still has kidney damage, she still has an abnormal bladder -- but to see results of any kind is AWESOME.
We'll be doing a kidney/bladder U/S soon to make sure no further damage has occurred since the last one.
As far as Calleigh goes, we will do an u/s at around 6 weeks to check her bladder/kidneys. BUT if all looks well between birth and 1 year, we will hold off on the VCUG until 1 year. WHEW. This makes me so happy!
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