Friday, November 07, 2008

A very special Photo Story Friday

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

I will post this warning here first. This isn't a 100% happy story. But it has to be posted today and I think even sad stories need posting sometimes. So unless you want to possibly cry (Hey, I'm crying), I would tell you to pass.

So Here we go.

A glimpse into the past.

I'm taking you back to June 2008.


Unfortunately, this isn't a story about a baby shower or a welcome baby party. No. This is the photo memory book of Caleb.

Caleb was born at 17 weeks gestation to some dear friends of ours (and cousins!) on June 5, 2008. He died seconds after birth.


At the funeral for Caleb, Jess and Chris had this table set to the side, displaying many things. The little outfit, blanket, etc that the hospital had given them. Caleb's feet and hand prints. A book they had bought for Caleb. An angel. All things meant to go in his nursery.


I share this story today, because in all its bitter sweetness, today was Caleb's due date. Today we should have been celebrating his birth (unless he was a late boy) and reveling in the miracle that each new life brings.

Instead, we all remember the loss felt that day in June. We all remember the pain and grief, felt, not just by Chris and Jessica, but all of us.

But, today, we also celebrate. Celebrate because, Chris and Jessica are not alone. They miss their son, oh yes, they do. But they also have hope. And they have love. And they have the miracle of new life in their home.

They will finalize the adoption of Andrew on March 4th, 2009. And then they will officially be a family of 3, but We know, that they don't need that final paper to be a family. To be parents.

They've been parents all along.

For more PSF, click Here


Danyele Easterhaus said... sweet. and now, i am crying. thanks. i am so glad that ur friends are doing well...and i'm an adoptive and bio mom...there are little adoption tidbits on my blog every day this month too since it's adoption awareness month, so send ur friends on over any time! i am soooo happy for them

Jaime said...

Congrats to your friends on the adoption.
And what a sweet tribute to them and their firstborn...You must be a great friend.

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

So sorry for their loss, and congrats on the adoption. I can't imagine all the emotions involved.

Killlashandra said...

It is a sad story but also a happy one too. I'm so happy for them that the adoption will become finalized. Sometimes that step seems to take forever.

earthlingorgeous said...

Oh my! This is so sad. What a sweet friend you are. But I'm happy for them about the adoption. God bless you both.


Staci A said...

That is truly heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for their loss.

I wish them the best in their adoption! What wonderful parents, I'm sure they have a lot of love in their home.

Anonymous said...

so very sorry for their (and everyone who loves them) loss. The loss of a baby is awful. One of my best friends lost her baby at 33 weeks and now almost 2 year past it still hurts. Congratulations to them on their adoption. That is wonderful. Sounds like they have plenty of love to share with this new son.

Chris said...

A loss like that is felt by so many people. But, I think, talking about it and remembering it are such important parts of the healing process.
Having wonderful friends, who write so lovingly about you helps too.

Kim @ What's That Smell said...

Bittersweet...I wish them all the best.

You wrote that so well and made me cry!

Unknown said...

That is a precious story and you have given me goosebumps. While it is heartbreaking that they had to give little Caleb back to God, what a wonderful miracle has occured. Adoption is just that, a miracle that brings families together. Please congratulate them for me.:)

Princess Hairstyles said...

That's so sad.. But happy at the same time. Congrats to them on the adoption!